A Preacher’s Manifesto: Ten Commitments That Drive Biblical Preaching


Last week I published my first book. It’s a mini e-book called: A Preacher’s Manifesto: Ten Commitments That Drive Biblical Preaching. I enjoyed distilling my beliefs and practices into this format. Here’s a description of the book:

A Preacher’s Manifesto presents ten commitments that should drive biblical preaching. These ten commitments will guide pastors in creating their preaching calendar, help steer their sermon preparation, and remind them of the vital place preaching occupies in the local church. The commitments include topics ranging from pastoral theology (“preaching as a function of soul-watching”), hermeneutics (“not allow a selected topic to override the meaning of the biblical Text”), and pastoral ministry (“preach as though my spiritual life and the spiritual lives of my parishioners depend on it”). A Preacher’s Manifesto will challenge assumptions, cultivate new commitments, and bring about changes in preaching for the sake of enlarging God’s reputation in the Church.

If you’re interested, you can find the book at Amazon.com and Smashwords.com. Smashwords will give you several more reading options, including a PDF of the book. It will also allow you to download a percentage of the book to preview some content.

I hope the ole saying, You get what you pay for, is not true in this case. The book is $2.99, but I believe it will stimulate your thinking.

Again, thank you for thinking about preaching with me.

Preach well for the sake of God’s reputation in the Church.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

Your thoughts?

4 thoughts on “A Preacher’s Manifesto: Ten Commitments That Drive Biblical Preaching

  1. Thanks for your commitment to handling the Word with integrity and passion. I, too, am a bowtie fan (AND wearer!) My faith blog is listed below.

    In HIs grip,
    Barry Davis (a 1977 grad of LBC, by the way…)

    • Thank you for kind words, Barry. Bow ties seem to be making a comeback and I hope expository preaching will too. Thank you for sharing your blog. Keep up the good work of faith.

  2. Dr. Pelton,
    Thank you for your continued authentic love for the Word! I am looking forward to reading your book. Thanks for the email! Continue blessed.

    In His Strength,
    Belinda (PhD Student-LBC)