Preaching The Miracles of Jesus To Christians


One of the more difficult preaching portions in the Gospels involve the miracles of Jesus. The tendency is to aim at conversions by saying that the miracles are intended to create faith (or at least, help create faith). However, remember that the miracle narratives are found within a context of Jesus’ teachings. This means we should interpret the miracles in light of Jesus’ teaching to His disciples. So, take the two miracles in Luke 7:1-17 where Jesus heals the centurion’s servant and a widow’s son. All these miracles are displays of the presence of the kingdom of God. Miracle by miracle Jesus brings a wholeness back to creation that was disrupted by the rebellion. But, what do they say to the Saints? They tell us why we should believe Jesus’ teachings and do them. Both the chapters before (cf. 6:46-49) and after (cf. 8:4-18) stress the importance of hearing, believing, and doing. Miracles display the power of Christ with the intention of urging Believers to believe His Word. The miracles are for us.

Have you discovered other ways to apply miracle stories?

This post was originally published July 8th, 2013.

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