10:10-14 records what the Lord did to supernaturally defeat the enemy nations (cf. also 10:42 “…the Lord God of Israel fought for Israel”). The phrase, “do not fear,” is repeated in 10:8, 25; 11:6. Despite facing powerful foes, Christians can take courage in their fight to enjoy more of God’s life because He fights for them (and, along with them). The comprehensiveness of the victory is seen in the list of 31 kings which Joshua defeated (cf. 12:24). Fear should give way to faith in light of what God did through Joshua. The action of the “chiefs of the men of war” putting “their feet on their necks [of the defeated kings]” (cf. 10:24) foreshadows Jesus defeating our enemies through His death and resurrection. Cf. Psalm 110:1. Jesus’ death and burial mirrored the plight of the five defeated kings who were hung on trees and buried in caves closed by large stones (cf. Josh. 10:26-27). God’s victory through Christ guarantees our victory over the forces of darkness that threaten our spiritual lives.
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