Isaiah 1:10-31 Attacking Hypocrisy in the Church

The description of God’s people continues in this section.  God exposes the hypocrisy that exists in every church.  It should be shocking that God addresses His people as “rulers of Sodom” and “you people of Gomorrah.”  God describes what’s going wrong and how He responds (vv. 11-15, 21-25).  Then in verses 16-20, 26-31 He explains how to remedy the situation.  God clearly spells out what will happen to two groups of people–those who repent (v. 27) and those rebels and sinners (v. 28)–all for the purpose of moving us away from rebellion and closer to true worship.  Both the talk of sacrifice (vv. 11-14) and cleansing (vv. 16, 18) provide opportunities to explain how the Gospel creates a “willing and obedient” people (v. 19).

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