One of the challenges of preaching through lengthy prophetic sections in Isaiah, Jeremiah, or Ezekiel, is deciding how to handle the restatement of themes. Isaiah 9:8–10:34 continue to bounce back and forth between destruction and deliverance. The judgment is aimed at His own people who do not form the redeemed remnant, but also against the nations that oppress His people. Deliverance is being offered to “the remnant of Israel and the survivors of the house of Jacob” (cf. vv. 10:20-21). Isaiah continues to challenge church attendees to be sure they are in that remnant. The way that happens in Isaiah 11:1-9 is through providing a glimpse of the object of our faith and the kind of new world God is creating (sort of like the current TV series, Terra Nova). This Text is designed to urge God’s people to be sure they are trusting in this Spirit-empowered Deliverer so that His attribute become ours. No other god has this ability. Also, when we read the peace-filled life portrayed in vv. 6-9, it should make us all want to be there, to be able to get there (in part now, but fully one day). Of course, on the cross, Jesus was the one struck and killed by God for our sins so we could enjoy His righteous rule now and forever.
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