In the U.S. the fitness gym, Planet Fitness, found their niche by advertising themselves as a “no judgment zone.” When you reach 2 Chronicles 19:4-11 you quickly discover that the church does not function like Planet Fitness.
The verses revolve around the need for God’s people to have competent officials contribute to God’s justice in the world. Verses 4-5 teach us that part of bringing God’s people “back to the Lord” is appointing judges “in the land.”
We help our parishioners worship by urging them to place themselves firmly within the kingship of Jehoshaphat described in this section. It’s a kingdom where God is just and we contribute to His justice.
I conveyed the theology this way:
- Our need for justice (vv. 5, 8, 10 where judges are appointed and instructed on how to judge in way that keeps them from incurring guilt). It was interesting for me to preach this sermon at the time when the #METOO movement was gaining publicity.
- The Source of justice (vv. 4, 7b where all this action of appointing judges is linked to a return to the Lord; it’s a great opportunity to explain this facet of God’s character; I loved Tozer’s take on this: “iniquity is the…opposite; it is in-equity, the absence of equality from human thoughts and acts.” This is important because, “there is no injustice with the Lord our God, or partiality or taking bribes” (v. 7b); if you want to get a look at human nature, ask your folks why bribes work so well in our culture.
- The carrying out of justice (vv. 6-7a, 9, 11, especially the phrase, “He is with you…”; you might consider making the link to Matt. 18:18-20 or 1 Cor. 5:4 where the Lord’s presence within the assembly create the authority for church discipline to be carried out.
And, if you want to explain how God’s people are able to desire and carry out God’s justice, look no further than the cross. Romans 3:26 says, “that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Christ.”
Preach from Chronicles that the Church is a judgment zone so He receives glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 3:21).