I am always looking for potential sermon series for the future. Maybe you are too.
Lord willing, I will complete a summer teaching series called, The Emotional and Physical Health of the Christian. It has been an enjoyable experience for me because I was able to team up with two men. One is a counseling professor at Lancaster Bible College who leads a counseling practice in our town. The other is an MD who practices family medicine locally. Both men are a part of our faith-family, love the Lord and His Church.
Our plan was for one of the professionals to take 15-20 minutes to talk to the church about one of the top three issues that they regularly encounter. Then I would spend the final 15-20 minutes teaching the theology of a passage related to that topic.
(There, I admit it. I preached a few topical sermons)
If you are tucking away some sermon series ideas for the future, you might consider the following topics. You may not have the option of having professionals join you, but that doesn’t mean you can’t address these topics from Scripture.
Top three emotional health issues routinely encountered in the counseling office are…
- The connection between what we think and how we feel
- Our self-worth and self-image
- Taking responsibility for our actions
Top three physical health issues routinely encountered in the doctor’s office are…
- Proper eating
- Proper rest
- Proper exercise
These issues are rarely confronted in the Church on Sunday’s. Our experience was extremely positive as we watched parishioners respond each weekend.
Series like this give me and our congregants a break from preaching through books of the Bible. They allow us to address issues in the Christian life that might not ever come up, let’s say in a series through the book of Judges.
Preach well for the sake of God’s reputation in the Church and in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 3:21).