One of my favorite definitions (or maybe description) of a sermon conclusion is by the late E. K. Bailey, long-time pastor of what is now called Concord Church in Dallas, TX. Bailey once said that “a great conclusion, like fine gravy, is made up of the same essence as the meat.” The description moves us away from the urge to insert new information in the conclusion. It does assume, however, that a conclusion involves a summarization. I agree that it’s not best to use the closing minutes of the sermon for new theology. I disagree with the thought of needing to summarize much of what has been said. Maybe you want to summarize or restate your main idea. But that’s all. Here’s my reasoning:
- If they didn’t understand your main points in the message, they probably won’t gain a better understanding because you summarized them (and they may be too fatigued to be able to take in more explanation).
- You’ve already given them enough to respond as an act of worship.
- Sermon time is too precious to summarize at the end.
- Land the sermon as another call to worship (meaning show them how their relationship with Christ causes them to be and/or do what the preaching portion says they should be and/or do).
Rather than spending precious minutes in reviewing the sermon details, help your congregants see how they can respond to the revelation of God through faith in Christ and the power of the Spirit. Some homileticians point out that the conclusion is a neglected part of sermon preparation. However, if the conclusion is one of the key times to apply our lives to the Bible, then I need to spend some time planning those meaning-full minutes.