Preaching Through Daniel (part 4): Let The Story Carry Theology


Daniel’s Gospel begins with a narrative. The narrative conveys theology for the Church. If I want to communicate Daniel’s theology in church, I need to faithfully preach the story.

In order to faithfully preach the story I have to pay close attention to the plot, the rising action in the story.

(While grading sermons for grad students at Lancaster Bible College or doctoral students at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, I regularly draw their attention back to the development of plot in a narrative. Students will often focus on either the climax or conclusion of the story and, therefore, miss the subject of the narrative.)

So, for instance, in Daniel 1:1-21 the plot surrounds a few chosen Israelites being trained for service for the foreign king. How Daniel handles this training conveys theology for the Church.

Christians have always been in a similar situation–living out our faith in a world where the ungodly are in power. Daniel’s decision to draw a line (“…resolved that he would not defile himself with the king’s food, or with the wine that he drank” in v. 8) is an example for us to follow.

The key is to find a parallel between the subject of the plot and our Christian experience.

However, we don’t only follow Daniel’s example. I want to strive for a Christo-centric (-telic?) interpretation of Daniel. All Christians function like Daniel in the world because all Christians trust in their Savior. It is significant that v. 6 identifies Daniel and his three friends as “of the tribe of Judah.” These four point forward to another from the tribe of Judah. Jesus, like Daniel, lived in a world where the ungodly were in power. Like Daniel–and to an infinitely greater degree–our Savior kept His resolve to not defile Himself. And because He did, He died and rose again so that all who receive Him can become like Daniel in the world.

But, it all starts with the plot and all so God’s fame can grow in the Church and in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 3:21).

Preach a good sermon, will ya?!


Preaching Through Daniel (Part 2): Story First, Then Visions


If you have read Daniel recently, you may recall that the book begins as a narrative or story. In my previous post I pointed out that Daniel gives us its purpose at the beginning and end of the book (the description of Daniel and his friends and also the description of all God’s people as they enter eternity).

In Daniel, the story comes first and then the visions follow. That means that the story forms the foundation for the meaning of the visions. Or, you could say it this way: the visions mean something in relationship to the story. The two sections are connected. And while the visions may be difficult to understand concerning their details, they function by urging God’s people to remain godly in an ungodly world.

There is no need to shy away from preaching the visionary chapters (7-12). And yet, as you can imagine, preachers are far more prone to preach chapters 1-6 (story) than to preach through the last six chapters (visions). That may be because we tend to separate the two sections.

Lord willing, in weeks to come I will move through the book of Daniel and show how these first two characteristics work:

1. The beginning and ending contain Daniel’s purpose (the same with Revelation)

2. The genre (type of literature) at the beginning of Daniel (narrative) provides the foundation for meaning for the visions. (In Revelation, the opening chapters containing the letters to the seven churches provide the foundation for meaning for the visions that follow.)

I hope this helps you if you are ever thinking about preaching through some of the apocalyptic books in the Bible.

Preach a good sermon, will ya?! And let’s do so so God receives glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 3:21).


When God Repeats Himself: Discovering the Meaning of Luke’s Record of Post-Resurrection Appearances of Jesus


Often, repetition is a key to the meaning of Gospel narratives. Meaning the main idea of my sermon needs to match the meaning conveyed through repetition. That’s important to remember in long narratives like Luke 24 where Jesus approaches two men who were walking toward Emmaus.

Among so many promising ideas, is the repeated idea of recognizing or not recognizing Jesus.

V. 16 “But their eyes were kept from recognizing him.”

V. 31 “And their eyes were opened, and they recognized him.”

V. 35 “…and how he was known to them in the breaking of the bread.”

So, the sermon centers on this idea of being able to see Jesus. There was a reason why they couldn’t see Him. They didn’t believe in His resurrection from the dead. More importantly for us is why we can’t see Him at times. We live in a time when we follow Jesus without seeing Him. That means we have to believe in Him as recorded in Scripture. We know we’re on track because Jesus “interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself” (v. 27).

Read to see Jesus; read to believe in Jesus.

Also important for us is noting that they finally did see Jesus during a Communion service. God opened their eyes while they were eating with Him. Every Sunday, the Word and the Lord’s Table (if you’re fortunate enough to celebrate it each Sunday) provide opportunities to see Jesus.

Whatever else you feel you need to say about these scenes, the repetition guides our exposition.

Before Sunday, see if there are repeated concepts in your preaching portion that are significant enough to yield dominant meaning. In the case of narratives, significant repetition is repetition that is connected to the storyline.

Preach well for the sake of His reputation in the Church and in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 3:21).
