Just How Straightforward Is Numbers 11? Preaching Through Numbers

Numbers 11 Is Pretty Straightforward, Don’t You Think?

In my previous post I made the comment that Numbers 11 was pretty straightforward. A few days later it occurred to me that I should test that theory. Thirty years of teaching preaching to undergrads, masters, and doctoral students has taught me that preaching OT narratives is not easy for most of us.

So, how straightforward is Numbers 11? Could you find your way to its theology?

First, did you notice that the first major point about “a strong craving” comes directly from the narrator’s assessment of “the rabble” in 11:4 “Now the rabble that was among them had a strong craving.” That’s pretty straightforward. Everything in vv. 4-10a deals with their strong craving, including the description of the manna.

Second, the narrator also lets us know what they were crying about: “…for you have wept in the hearing of the Lord saying… ‘For it was better for us in Egypt.’” (v. 18). It’s hard to imagine strong cravings for food being so strong as to cause God’s people to want to go back into slavery in Egypt.

Finally, the Lord’s reaction is clear in this narrative. He’s angry in v. 10b and in His anger it hails quail and they suffer a terrible plague while chewing.

So, can you see what God means by this narrative? It’s pretty straightforward, one of those “go and do otherwise” narratives: By faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, yield to the Holy Spirit, not to our strong cravings. Or, something like that.

And may our Lord receive glory in the church and in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 3:21) as we teach and preach through Numbers.


Preaching for Victory Over Strong Cravings: Preaching Through Numbers

Numbers teaches us about our deadly cravings!

I know the book of Numbers presents major challenges to preachers and teachers who intend to interpret meaning so it functions for the church. But Numbers 11 is pretty straightforward.

The reason is because Numbers 11:4-35 describes how God’s people experience strong cravings on their journey from redemption to new creation (v. 4 “Now the rabble…had a strong craving…”).

Meaning develops along these lines:

Verses 4-10a describe our strong cravings. You’ll quickly see that all the cravings came from their time in slavery in Egypt. Talk about selective memory: God’s people remember all the good food, but forget the whole slavery deal!

Then, you might skip down to vv. 18-20 and see the terrible potential of these strong cravings. It’s hard to imagine a Christian saying they wanted to go back to pre-converted days. Think about what that says about their relationship with the Lord!! Some of you will remember the old Keith Green song about wanting to go back to Egypt (cf. v. 18 “…For it was better for us in Egypt”).

You’ll want to highlight the prophecy about what will happen when the Lord decides to give His people the meat they strongly desire (v. 20 “…and becomes loathsome to you, because you have rejected the Lord…”)

Finally, verses 10b and 31-34 describe the terrible punishment of our Lord. It’s one of the many places in Numbers where we read about the Lord’s anger being kindled against His people. A healthy dose of this kind of theology certainly helps convince the faithful to remain so!

However, you won’t want to leave your people in the judgement-only Numbers 11. Consider taking your listeners to v. 6 and remind them that as our Savior approached the cross we read, “My soul is very sorrowful, even to death…” (Matt. 26:38). His death was effective to save because of His strong craving: “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work.” (John 4:34). Anyone who trusts Him is able to battle the strong cravings that threaten the soul.

I hope this summary will encourage you to consider reading the book of Numbers with your faith-family and may our Lord receive glory in the church and in Christ Jesus through your efforts (Ephesians 3:21).


You’ve Always Wanted To Preach To The Complainers, Right?! (Preaching Through the Book of Numbers)

Here’s Your Chance!

One of the benefits of preaching through the book of Numbers is being able to address the congregation’s attitude. I’ve found it easier to do while preaching through a book of the Bible than having to address this in a topical sermon selected for that purpose.

When you arrive at Numbers 11 you have your opportunity to address your faith-family about fighting hard against a complaining spirit. When I got to this section I titled it:

“He will bring us into this land”: And We Will Fight the Urge to Complain Along the Way

You’ll recall that the first part of the title is my take on the theology of the book. The second part reflects the application of Numbers 11:1-3.

First, it’s rare to get such a small preaching portion in Numbers. They’re usually much larger, so enjoy that luxury.

Second, the narrative functions by presenting the people’s complaining as a “go and do otherwise” lesson.

You might consider presenting it something like this:

  1. Address our tendency to complain in v. 1a: why was this the default setting of God’s people?
  2. How our Lord reacts to our complaining spirit in v. 1b. It seems over the top. Very extreme judgment. There must be a reason for such drastic action on the part of our Lord.
  3. Finally, there is our hope for healing in vv. 2-3.

If you’re interested in a Christological reading of Numbers 11, you certainly can move from Moses’s intercession to our Savior. And, also, there’s no comparison between our “misfortunes” (v. 1) and the Lord’s misfortune of crucifixion! Yet, He endured all that without any complaining. His example is stellar, to be sure, but it’s not His example that saves us. His sacrifice saves us by faith and that faith is the key to responding unlike God’s OT complainers.

Anyway, I hope that helps you navigate what seems to be one of the easier Numbers narratives. May you preach it with confidence so the Lord receives glory in the church and in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 3:21).


“the Lord has promised good to Israel”: Preaching Through Numbers

God Has Promised Good Things For Us!

Preaching through the book of Numbers requires us to discover meaning through the storyline of the narrative. God tells Moses to make trumpets (v. 2) to signal the congregation. The purpose is stated in v 9 “that you may be remembered before the Lord your God, and you shall be saved from your enemies. Then in v. 10 “They shall be a reminder of your before your God…” That relationship will take some exegetical work, but is critical to the theology of the story: we remember God and He remembers us.

Then in v. 29 is an interesting scene where Moses encourages a relative to join him. As is often the case, the dialogue contains more theology for the church: “Come with us, and we will do good to you, for the Lord has promised good to Israel.” That is repeated again in v. 32. And our congregants will be encouraged as you remind them of His faithfulness!

The narrative ends with a remarkable speech surrounding the benefits of having God’s presence (the ark of the covenant). There is spiritual guidance and protection on our journey.

It’s the kind of narrative that brings a congregation to thanksgiving and praise. But they have to know that all this talk about Israel does preach in church. That’s one of the best reasons to preach through a book like Numbers. Every Sunday speak for God to them about them on their faith journey.

Now, it will tax your exegetical and theological skills, but you and your hearers will grow through the series and God will receive glory in the church and in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 3:21),


Preaching the Cloud and Fire: Preaching Through Numbers

We Follow His Clear Leading

First, it can be done! This past Sunday I completed a six month series through the book of Numbers. The series totaled 31 sermons for 36 chapters. Phew! Great challenges and great rewards!

One thing I want to do better in these posts is highlight the kind of literature you’re dealing with. It’s my way of helping you see how meaning is made before we get to what that meaning is for the church.

So, for instance, in Numbers 9:15-23 is the spectacular story of God guiding His people with a “cloud…by day and…fire by night.” (v. 16) Meaning is made through the subjects (cloud and fire), their actions (“lifted from over the tent” in v. 17), and the response of God’s people (“camped….set out” in vv. 17-18). The cloud and pillar, of course, are also described as “At the command of the Lord…” (cf. vv. 18, 20, 23 and the key phrase, “the people of Israel kept the charge of the Lord” in v. 19).

It’s pretty clear that the Lord is instructing His people through the way He clearly leads them in their journey. And us? Well…

Our Lord will lead the way (vv. 15-16)

We will follow His leading (vv. 17-23)

Even without the cloud/fire?!? (biblical theology of God’s guidance and following Him in our journey.)

The third movement is where the fun is because everyone has asked at one time or another: “Wouldn’t it be great if God guided us now like that?” It’s comforting to know that He does.

I found it helpful to explain God’s guidance in Numbers and His guidance now like this: in Numbers the cloud and fire are like us going from A to B and we don’t know the way (if we don’t follow exactly, we’ll get lost); today we move from A to B and we know the way very well (we don’t have to follow someone and even know various ways to get to point B if we want to or have to).

Our arrival is just as sure because of God’s presence with us in the Person of Christ and His Spirit. And that should help you provide a Christological reading for your congregants. On the cross, Christ loses the presence of God so that He never leaves those who trust Him. Anyone whose heart has been warmed by the Gospel wants desperately to follow the Savior’s leading.

May our Lord receive glory in the church and in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 3:21) as you preach and teach the book of Numbers.


Preaching on Giving from an OT Perspective: Preaching Through Numbers

Everybody Loves Sermons On Giving!

One of the toughest and most rewarding sermons in Numbers came in chapters 7:1–9:14 (“He will bring us into this land”: Which Calls For Continual Celebration!)

Except for familiarity with the concept of tithing, most people know little else of an OT perspective on giving. Preaching through Numbers is a great way to inform your congregation.

Plan on taking huge chunks of material. My breakdown was:

  1. We bring our gifts and offerings (vv. 7:1-88)
  2. We bring our best, separated selves (vv. 8:5-26)
  3. And we celebrate our redemption (vv. 9:1-14)

You’ll give your folks an opportunity to worship God by participating in worship just like Israel did when the tabernacle was dedicated/consecrated.

In the first section what stands out is that all tribes participated and tons of stuff was sacrificed. I strongly suggest resisting any urge to cover the details of what was given and how much. The sermon can easily bog down here due to so much information.

The second section focuses on God’s people being clean enough to worship God. This is shown through the Lord’s instruction about the Levites. They had to be clean in order to do their job well. None of the sacrifices would mean anything without ceremonial cleanliness at this level. Atonement has to be made for them in order for ministry to occur.

The final section of the sermon sets all this celebration in the context of Passover and the Lord’s redemption of His people from Egypt. So important is this celebration that the death penalty was incurred by anyone who was clean and in town, but not present for the celebration.

Finally, anyone wanting to interpret Numbers for the Church through the lens of Christ-crucified will find ample opportunity through the Passover Lamb connection. You might also choose to highlight Christ through John’s language (“tabernacled among us” in John 1:14). We worship God by faith in the One God sent to save us. We gladly give because of what God has graciously given to us. We give as an act of worship just like they did.

And just like back then, God continues to receive glory in the church and in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 3:21) as His people follow the patterns set in Numbers 7-9.


One of the Perks of Preaching Through Numbers: Preaching the Aaronic Blessing

You’re looking at a custom made stone containing the first two actions of God that begin the famous Aaronic Blessing of Numbers 6:22-27. The Blessing is extremely popular and has spawned tons of merchandise.

As you make your way through the book of Numbers you arrive at the end of chapter 6. This famous Blessing is sandwiched between laws of the Nazirite and the twelve days of sacrificing that dedicated the altar in the Tabernacle.

One of the keys of preaching the theology of Numbers is noting the placement of strategic teaching like this one: God’s blessing is experienced within the context of holiness and the forgiveness of our sins.

When you preach the Blessing, remember that there is a big difference between the ESV’s pronouncement: “The Lord bless you and keep you…” and the NLT’s prayer/wish: “May the Lord bless you and keep you…” Within the context I described in the above paragraph, yes, it can be a pronouncement. But the Hebrew form of the blessing and it’s meaning in this context reflects Aaron, the priests, and the Lord’s desire or wish for His people.

You might lead your listeners through the Blessing by noting…

  1. the source of God’s blessing. It’s easy for American Christians with all our individualism to miss the fact that Aaron and his sons pronounce this Blessing on God’s people. This will provide an easy link to our Savior in the third section of the sermon.
  2. the content of the Blessing. I can’t think of anything that should put a smile on our faces and thanksgiving on our lips than what the Lord wants to do to everyone one of His own! The poetry is beautiful and builds with each line.
  3. our reception of the blessing. Here’s where you can urge congregants to consider how they know they can experience this blessing that God wants to give them. It’s a good time to be Christ-focused, but also a good time to remind them of their need to respond in faith and obedience.

[Note: I assign this text as an assignment in my Advance Homiletics classes and v. 27 often gets neglected. The act of pronouncing the blessing is equal to putting God’s name on His people. Explaining this are sermon minutes well spent!]

Surely, our Lord receives glory in the church and in Christ Jesus (cf. Ephesians 3:21) as we preach this great passage in Numbers!


P.S. If you are interested in the intersection of hermeneutics and homiletics you might take a moment to consider why this Aaronic Blessing is much easier to preach then some other sections in Numbers.

More On Preaching Holiness: Preaching Through Numbers

One huge benefit of preaching through Numbers is the emphasis on the holiness of God and His people. My current ministry setting is a very conservative faith-family that is used to such concepts and, yet, they still tell me how much being reminded of holiness is helping them. I have a colleague who preaches in a very different setting and he tells me how challenging it is to preach certain doctrines.

Well, frankly, you can’t preach through Numbers without spending time on the holiness of God. So much of the theology of Numbers 5:1–6:21 hinges on God’s own holiness. It’s the only way to explain the bizarre instructions on dealing with lepers, etc. (5:3 “…putting them outside the camp, that they may not defile their camp”), and with those who are “breaking faith with the Lord” (5:6, plus the strange way to handle jealousy in a marriage in vv. 12-31; watch for puzzled looks if you read that section aloud in church!), and the Nazirite vow (6:2ff.).

It all begins with the holiness of God. Then we can move to being a holy people.

Finally, the instructions–though often strange-to-us–provide direction for our desire to remain a holy people. So, there is actual removal (5:3, similar to the discipline prescribed in 1 Corinthians 5), confession and restitution/repentance (5:7-10).

What a great section of Scripture! What’s more important than the holiness of God and being holy because He is holy?!?

The difficulty, as you know, however, is trying to navigate through all the OT specifics that we do not directly apply to our situation. In a 45 minute sermon, for instance, you really have to stay focused providing only the details that are absolutely necessary to convey the theology about God’s holiness and ours.

If you do that, our Lord will receive glory in the church and in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 3:21). You’ll be challenged, but, like every other through-the-Book series, it’s entirely worth it.


P.S. You may recall that the main title of this series is taken from 14:8 “he will bring us into this land.” Each Sunday titles look like this:

“he will bring us into this land”: (subtitle)

This one was:

“he will bring us into this land”: But We Must Separate Ourselves To God

The Potentially Fatal Holiness Of God: Preaching Through Numbers

I was pretty sure Numbers wasn’t represented on the list of top Bible verse about God’s holiness, but it certainly could be. One of the great things about preaching through the book of Numbers is that it provides opportunities to teach faith-families about God’s potentially fatal holiness.

Take, for instance, Numbers 3:1–4:49. God certainly will bring us into this land (from 14:8), but it involves navigating His fatal holiness. Before God’s people begin their trek, they must learn how important it is to have God in the center of their camp and how to keep from getting killed by holiness-at-close-range.

So, you can teach the seriousness of God’s presence (in vv. 3:7-10, 38; 4:15, 17-20). The Levites are assigned the task of guarding Aaron and the whole congregation. Priests and people must approach God on His terms. The threat of death is sprinkled throughout the section (cf. 4:15, 19-20). The “holy things” cannot be mishandled “lest [those who do] die” (4:15).

I probably don’t have to say that we don’t know much about the holiness of God to this degree!

You can also teach about the price to enter God’s presence (vv. 3:11-13, 40-51). In this section the Lord declares to Moses that He has taken the Levites “instead of the firstborn…among the people of Israel….for all the firstborn are mine….They shall be mine: I am the Lord” (3:12-13).

[Anyone interested in showing how the Christ-event makes Numbers function for the Church will want to show God providing His own Son to pay the steep price.]

Finally, you’ll want to consider some segment that provides an opportunity for congregants to respond to being able to enter God’s presence.

I practice faith-first application so before I get to the “be holy, for I am holy,” part, I will talk about Christ as outlined in brackets above. Then, once I’ve established that Christ makes His holiness available to all who believe, it’s time to make sure everyone in the house consecrates themselves by faith, in the power of Christ’s Spirit (cf. Lev. 11:44-45). God’s holiness demands and creates our holiness in those who believe.

I am finding that, in a day and age when many professing Christians profess faith, some haven’t connected their faith with actual holiness. The book of Numbers provides excellent theology to combat this spiritual disease.

I hope you’ll have an opportunity to preach Numbers so God receives glory in the church and in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 3:21).



Our Spiritual Warfare and Worship: Preaching Through the Book of Numbers

When you start Numbers you encounter numbers in great numbers. Thankfully, there are some theological clues such as the repetition of the phrase, “able to go to war.” That is repeated over and over again in vv. 1-46. As Robert Alter points out in his new translation and commentary on the Hebrew Bible, it is clear from the repetition that Israel’s journey involves an extended military campaign.

So, my first major segment in the sermon or first main point was the presence of our enemies (vv. 1-46). I did give our folks a sneak peek at what the battle will look like in chapter 14:40-45. It’s a great way to remind us all of the spiritual battle we face each day. The brief glimpse forward teaches us that the battle is won or loss depending on whether God is among us in an active sense fighting for and with us (v. 42 “for the Lord is not among you…” and disastrous results!).

The second segment begins in v. 47 where we’re told: “But the Levites were not listed along with them…” Their duties are explained in terms of the tabernacle in vv. 47-51a. That holy place and space would house the visible, tangible presence of God. The defeat of chapter 14 already teaches us how important God’s presence is for our spiritual life.

But in point three we learn that God’s presence is also very dangerous. The threat of God’s presence is in vv. 51b-54. The approach of an outsider brought death (v. 51b) and the Levites guarded the tabernacle “so that there may be no wrath on the congregation…” (v. 53). What a great time to talk about what one author refers to as “the fatal holiness of God.”

And all of this is the start of preparing Israel and us for our journey from redemption to the Promised Land (for them) and new creation (for us).

Help your listeners journey successfully with this wonderful opening chapter about the fight we’re in and the assurance of victory through God’s powerful presence with a holy people.

He will receive glory–as a result–in the church and in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 3:21).
