Joshua 3:1-17 Crossing over into LifePlus: the Impossible Barrier of the Jordan River

Verses 3, 6, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17 contain references to “the ark of the covenant.” Verse 7 states that God would use this event to ‘begin to exalt” Joshua “in the sight of all Israel.” The presence of the Ark teaches us that God is present and at work in our lives and we can follow Him to enjoy more of the life He provides. This narrative isn’t so much about how to live the Christian life, but more about giving us confidence to live it in spite of fierce opposition. Our Great High Priest went through the waters of death ahead of us just as the priests who were carrying the ark. As Joshua was exalted in the Jordan, so also our Lord was exalted at His baptism (cf. Matt. 3:13-17). By faith we follow our Lord through every obstacle that poses a threat to our advances in holiness.

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