Isaiah 43:22-28 and the Potential Danger of a Busy Church

In Isaiah 43:22-28 God provides a description of a major sin His people were committing against Him.  Something had gone wrong with their sacrificing (Isaiah 43:23-24).  We know from Isaiah 1:11-14 that there was all kinds of religious activity going on, but no worship.  The fatal combination of going to worship and sinning was nauseating God (cf. Isaiah 1:13).  It’s pretty easy to make a connection with our current situation where the Church is looking more and more like society and less and less like the Savior.  We have more ministries operating than ever before, but we share the same morality as the world.  Thankfully, tucked in the middle of the negative assessment of our worship experiences is the Gospel of Isaiah 43:25.  In Christ, those who have their sins forgiven also have the desire and capacity to worship God in a way that satisfies Him.

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