Isaiah 52:1-12 Commands that Fuel Holy Living

Isaiah 52:1-12 contain one of the clearest pictures in the Old Testament of how redemption leads to a hoy life that pleases God.  These verses provide a great opportunity for us to challenge Believers to live out their redeemed status.  Isaiah 52:1-2 contain commands that point to our new status as redeemed of God.  Remember that in the context of Isaiah, images of being set free (Isaiah 52:2) highlight redemption from sin’s power and rule.  To hear, “Your God reigns” (Isaiah 52:7), means sin’s power has been overcome.  Isaiah 52:11 contains commands that are heeded by all authentic Christians.  We leave worldliness behind and, therefore, function in the world as God designed from the beginning.  The gospel of Christ is seen in Isaiah 52:3.  Isaiah will soon tell us that we were redeemed by the life-blood of God’s Servant, our Savior.  Isaiah has been encouraging God’s people all along to make sure their profession of faith is matched by an appropriate holy life so they are ready for His appearance.

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