Doing Our Part To Keep Worshipers Awake


During our family’s recent vacation I was able to read a little paperback, Saving Eutychus: How to preach God’s Word and keep people awake. Millar and Campbell struck a balance between being biblical and interesting. I highly recommend the book. In the introduction Campbell flat out says: “It’s our job to keep people awake, and we’ll take the blame if they fall out the window” (p. 14). Well, yes and no. It would be interesting to list the sleep-inducers that are not in our control. However, one thing I noticed after listening to about 30 sermons over the past two months is this: biblical preachers often struggle maintaining adequate pace. If this might describe you–it does me–you will profit from the section, Agile Delivery (pp. 107ff.). The authors will force you to think about where to place emphasis in the sermon. They’ll help you think about not letting the sermon bog down. They’ll help you save your sleepy saint on Sunday morning.

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