Preaching the Theology of the Crucifixion Narrative


Confession: the crucifixion narratives have proven to be my most difficult preaching portions in the New Testament.

I don’t like admitting that because so much of our Christian faith rests on the crucifixion of Christ. But, for as long as I have been preaching and teaching preaching, these lengthy narratives have plagued me.

Here’s what I’ve learned:

1. The emphasis is on Jesus’ identity. Luke 22 and 23 contain Jesus’ Passion. A fast reading of those chapters will show that Jesus’ identity is always in focus (e.g., “If you are the Christ, tell us” in 22:67 or, “If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself!” in 23:37). Evidently, God knew the Church needed to be absolutely sure of who Jesus was/is. There can be no doubts about His identity if He is going to be able to deliver us from our sins.

Also note that in Luke’s gospel, for instance, the crucifixion narrative confirms what began in the pre-birth and birth narratives. Only after His identity is settled does the next focus of the Passion narratives mean anything…

2. Then, Luke emphasizes Jesus’ ability to “save.” Luke 23:35, 37, and 39 three different sets of people–people, soldiers, and a criminal–tell Him and taunt Him to save himself. And, in v. 43 we see Jesus saving one: “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”

Sounds like a good evangelistic message, except for the fact that it’s written to the saints. And our responsibility is to make sure professing Christians know Jesus’ identity and are placing their trust in Him. We help them assess whether or not they’re experiencing a bit of Paradise now through the Spirit’s renovating work. We help them worship the gracious God who crucified His own Son so we could live LifePlus.

Preach well for His glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 3:21).


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