Making Sermons and Making Disciples

A prominent Christian counselor/author–sorry but I can’t remember who–once wrote that counseling was accelerated disciple-making. That is also an appropriate way to think about our preaching.

Preaching is accelerated, corporate disciple-making.

I’ve been enjoying the insights provide by Carrell’s book, Preaching That matters: Reflective Practices for Transforming Sermons. Especially helpful is the feedback from pastors who were in training sessions with Carrell.

Take, for instance, this response:

“you asked me how I determine the spiritual growth goals for my sermons. I didn’t have an answer.” (p. 29)

Here’s my answer:

  1. Pay as much attention to the purpose or intention of your preaching portion as you do its meaning. In other words, from minute one in your study, begin to identify how God’s Word functions for the church. What is it intending to do to the listeners?
  2. Whether or not you announce this, try this at the very beginning of your sermon notes or actual sermon: “We worship this morning by _______________.” You fill in the blank with the intended response to that morning’s revelation of God (my concise definition of worship).
  3. My dear DTS preaching professor, Dr. John Reed used to urge us to write out what we wanted our listeners to think, feel, and do as a result of hearing the sermon. Those are good, broad categories for applying life to the Bible. Depending on your selected Text, you may be able to add specificity to your sermon application.
  4. Another angle on application is our attempt to usher our listeners into the particular slice of the Kingdom of God that is described in the Text (common options are commands or principles to put into practice and “go and do likewise” or “go and do otherwise” exemplars, interpreted, of course, within a redemptive-historical context).

Before Resurrection Sunday, identify your sermon’s spiritual growth goals so God receives glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 3:21).


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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