Can You Get To Application In Chronicles?: Preaching Through Chronicles

I can tell you there are times while preaching through First and Second Chronicles that finding your way to application is extremely difficult. The sign above pretty much describes the feeling.

So, one of my goals in these posts is showing you applicational angles. When you arrive at 2 Chronicles 17:1-19 you find your way to application by reminding your listeners:

“We’re Christians. We are citizens of this king’s kingdom. Which means we participate in this king’s spiritual reformation efforts.”

The king is Jehoshaphat and the unique reform is in vv. 7-9,

“…he sent his officials…to teach…and with them the Levites…and with these Levites, the priest….And they taught in Judah, having the Book of the Law of the Lord with them. They went about through all the cities of Judah and taught among the people.”

McConville states the he “organized his whole kingdom for the purpose of propagating the law.”

So did Jesus. King Jesus arrived and instituted similar spiritual reform. He taught everywhere he went. And before he left he taught us to keep teaching people to do the things he said to do.

So that’s what we do. Your church, like ours, has teaching venues, gifted, trained teachers, and ears-to-hear learners. And you, like me, have an approach, a teaching method and style.

So, our churches continue Jehoshaphat’s approach. This chapter shows us

  • the one thing we need for spiritual success (vv. 1-3a)
  • the way to secure it (vv. 3b-9)
  • the resulting blessing (vv. 10-19)

Even if you never preach through Chronicles, you may feel the need some Sunday to remind your congregants about the importance of “the Book of the Law of the Lord.” And, of course, you will remind them that “the scriptures…bear witness about [Jesus]” (cf. John 5:39-40).

Preach “the Book” so God receives glory in the church and in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 3:21),


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