Preaching Through The Gospel According To Ruth

After preaching through Judges, more than one parishioner asked if I would consider preaching through Ruth. Judges was so depressing, despite my best efforts to practice a form of Christ-centered interpretation each weekend. They needed a narrative that focused more on good news.

Even if you choose not to preach Judges/Ruth back-to-back, preaching through the gospel according to Ruth is an excellent short series. It does present its challenges.

First, select a theme for the series. Select a theme:

  • from the wording of Ruth.
  • that captures the good news of Ruth.

I’m extremely picky when it comes to selecting a theme and image that will be my first slide every Sunday. I’m usually not satisfied with my commentator friends’ choice of theme/title for the book. I greatly appreciate their work and benefit from it each week. But the choice of theme/title is very personal, pastoral.

I found my theme, of all places, on the lips of the townswomen who said to Naomi about Ruth’s son: “He shall be to you a restorer of life and a nourisher of your old age…”

You could just as easily word something from their statement in the previous verse 14, “Blessed be the Lord, who has not left you this day without a redeemer…”

I love the way the book ends as a contrast to how it began: loss of food and even more tragic loss of life. Upon returning to Bethlehem Ruth said, “I went away full, and the Lord has brought me back empty…” (cf. 1:21). So, the Lord really did restore her life through the birth of a special son. Cross-eyed readers will quickly see parallels to the Son born way down Ruth and Boaz’s line.

Preach well for the sake of God’s reputation in the church and in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 3:21).


This post was originally published on January 23, 2017.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

Your thoughts?

2 thoughts on “Preaching Through The Gospel According To Ruth

  1. I spoke thru Ruth and found it to be rich. Carolyn James has a helpful book, The Gospel of Ruth, in which she mentions that some call Ruth the female, Job. This was a helpful concept for the series.

    • Thanks for writing, Lee. I hope you are doing well and preaching good sermons. Thanks for the info about James’s book on Ruth. I certainly can see the parallels between Ruth and Job. I know your congregants were fortunate to follow you through a book series like that. Keep up the good work of faith, brother!