Looking Back On Our Faith-Journey: Preaching Through Numbers

Preaching God’s Review of Israel’s Journey

One of the joys of attempting to preach through a book of the Bible like Numbers is the satisfaction of having done it. I know it doesn’t sound very spiritual, but there is some truth to it. “Done it” includes tackling tough chapters like 33 where Israel’s journey is reviewed.

I structured the sermon with two points (gasp!):

  1. Looking back at God’s powerful redemption (vv. 3-4)
  2. Our struggle to trust Him (vv. 8, 9, 14-16, 40)

I selected just a few of the 56 verses in the review. By this time in the series there is much repetition. Evidently God wanted us to see how far He has brought us, how much we’ve put Him through, and yet He’s still faithful.

Consider doing some work on Passover (v. 3), such an important concept for our redemption.

Encourage your folks with: “the people of Israel went out triumphantly in the sight of all the Egyptians, while the Egyptians were burying all their firstborn….On their gods also the Lord executed judgments” (vv. 3-4). Let that look in the rearview mirror bolster your faith and theirs in the fight for faith and faithfulness! Some in our faith-families could sure use a dose of victory over the enemy.

In the second part of the sermon I selected tests of faith to remind us all of the struggle we’re in every day:

  • v. 8 and crossing the sea into the wilderness caused quite the test of faith!
  • vv. 9, 14 and the issue of water: almost dying of thirst and then the 12 springs of water!
  • v. 16 and that disastrous request for meat to eat that ended up with the name: “graves of craving” as the Lord judged His people with a great plague!
  • v. 40 and the enemy, Canaanites, that constantly threatened Israel’s enjoyment in the land!

After all that, there they were ready to enter and enjoy the Promised Land. And here we are enjoying the presence of God.

There’s only one way to explain a people like us enjoying God like this. It’s all because He is faithful to His promises.

And if you were interested in a Christological reading of Numbers 33 look no further than the reference to Passover (v. 3), our Passover Lamb, the buried Firstborn of our God (v. 4).

I hope these posts through books of the Bible, especially those in the OT, will encourage you to take your people there. May our Lord receive glory in the church and in Christ Jesus as you do (Ephesians 3:21).


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