In her book, Preaching That Matters, Carrell’s chapter, “Delivering, Not Decorating,” includes the following powerful quote:
“If passion and compassion are not emotions you feel for your content, your listeners, or the hurting world, then you may need to attend your spiritual journey. If you feel these emotions but are not showing them in your sermons as fully as you feel them, you need to work on your delivery.” (p. 132)
I’m writing this on Saturday evening which means many of us are preaching tomorrow morning. Which scenario do you anticipate being your biggest struggle? You’re not feeling it or you’re not showing it?
If you preach through books of the Bible, let’s say Numbers, for instance. I can guarantee you will struggle feeling passion for every preaching portion in that book (“Sorry, Lord, but You know how hard that is!”). But even in a series through the beloved Psalms, we’ll have our moments.
Then, there is this thing about passion and compassion for our listeners. That’s what pastoring is all about, isn’t it? Tomorrow morning we get to love our people through the exposition of Sacred Scripture.
There’s still time tonight and tomorrow morning to ask God for a level of passion for Him and compassion for them that honors Him.
Finally, let’s ask the Lord to help us convey that passion and compassion appropriately, in a way that represents Him well and is true to the way He’s made us. And may He receive glory in the church and in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 3:21) through it all.