I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist. That usually means agonizing over my studies so that I have everything “figured out” by Sunday morning. It didn’t take me long to realize that I never have the preaching portion all figured out. In more recent years I’m becoming more comfortable with the reality that all my interpretations are partial at best. I’ve also been able to look forward to what God will teach me during the teaching time. Virtually every weekend the preaching event, including the important interaction I enjoy with active listeners, adds to my understanding of the preaching portion. This means that my accuracy increases while I’m preaching. In Preaching & Preachers, Lloyd-Jones states, “…you never know what is going to happen to [the sermon] until you get into the pulpit and start preaching it….You will find that the Spirit Who has helped you in your preparation may now help you, while you are speaking, in an entirely new way, and open things out to you which you had not seen while you were preparing your sermon” (p. 99). Barth adds, “We should not try to master the text. The Bible will become more and more mysterious to real exegetes. They will see all the depths and distances” (p. 128 in Homiletics). I hope that you are finding this to be true of you–that you are learning while you preach.
Randal Pelton, Ph.D., D.Min., Th.M.
Senior Pastor, Professor
Two Angles in which to Explore Offensive Commandments
I just recently completed preaching through Isaiah. Before beginning another through-the-Book study, I am spending several weekends on God and the Life He Gives. The short series will highlight key characteristics of God and also key aspects of living the Christian life. A proper study of the Christian life involves studying the God who grants it. At times, we struggle with God’s kind of life because we do not understand Him and His character.
Take, for instance, God’s difficult instructions to Hagar in Genesis 16:9. Why would God tell Hagar to return and submit to a woman, Sarai, who was dealing harshly with her (cf. Genesis 16:6). What kind of God would instruct a female servant to return to an abusive mistress? The answer is a God who has determined to save the powerless and afflicted. This concept applies equally to instructions in 1 Peter 2:13-14. See also 1 Peter 2:18 and 1 Peter 3:1. God is a God who saves those who depend on Him or rely on Him alone.
Another angle on this is to ask what it is about the nature of our salvation that would warrant such an instruction. In this case of Hagar submitting to Sarai, salvation, by nature, involves being delivered in the midst of a terrible environment (as opposed to being delivered out of a terrible situation). Saving faith involves dependence upon God, the opposite of taking matters into one’s own hand (in this case, taking matters into her own hands would be Hagar not returning and submitting to Sarai).
You might find yourself in conversations where someone asks, “Should so-and-so submit to that?!?” In other words, the particular circumstance seemingly cancels out the biblical instruction. Before you attempt to answer that specific scenario, try taking the person through these two angles: (1)What is it about God that He would require such actions? (2) What is it about the nature of salvation that would require such actions?
Isaiah 66’s theology-through-vision of the future
This is a bitter-sweet ending to our Isaiah study. Actually, Isaiah’s ending, like the ending of the Canon, is also bitter-sweet. It is bitter for all engaged in hypocritical worship (Isaiah 66:3). It is sweet for all true worshippers described in Isaiah 66:2. The rest of the chapter describes what will happen to people in either category. In Isaiah 66:4, 15-16, 22-24 we see visions of complete destruction and complete deliverance. Isaiah ends (Isaiah 66:24) where it began (Isaiah 1:2): the subject of rebels and rebellion. And all this drives us to make sure that we are the worshipers who will inhabit God’s new heavens and new earth. Our Lord Jesus Christ makes it possible for us to become a child of God. Christ’s sacrifice is seen in His perfect life where He is the contrast to those described in Isaiah 66:4 and also in His substitutionary death for sinners (cf. Isaiah 66:15-16 and Christ suffering under the fiery wrath of God for our sakes). All along, Isaiah has been urging us, like Peter, to be all the more diligent to make our calling and election sure in light of His return. This response will help us slow the tide of the Church becoming more and more like society and less and less like the Savior.
Isaiah 65:17-25 Theology Through Visions of the Future
Isaiah 65:17-25 contains a wonderful picture of the new world God will create for His people to inhabit. Your theology will probably lock you into either a millennium or eternal state understanding of the description. But do not let those systematic categories detract from Isaiah’s purpose. Long before Peter urges Christians to holy living in light of God’s return, Isaiah does the same. The description moves back and forth between the new creation and marred creation. God knows that His children will read this description and desperately want to inhabit His new world. Isaiah 65:23 describes the type of person who will live there. Cf. Genesis 17:7 and Isaiah 53:10. This person was described repeatedly as God’s “servants” in Isaiah 65:13-14. Isaiah is ending as he began: urging all professing Believers to give proof of their faith through obedience to the Word of God (the opposite of rebellion). The Gospel is prefigured in Isaiah 65:20. On the cross our Savior was the accursed sinner, dying the death we should have died. His death and resurrection life opens the door into God’s new world for all who genuinely believe.
Isaiah 63:15–65:16 Theology in Isaiah’s Prayer
As you near the end of Isaiah’s Gospel, you discover a lengthy prayer (cf. Isaiah 63:15-19 and Isaiah 64:1-12 and Isaiah 65:1-16). This section functions much like the earlier section of Isaiah that read like a Psalm. So, Isaiah intends that God’s people pray this prayer. I find it best to focus on the requests, the special relationship we have with God, the problem that gives rise to the requests, and the solution to the problem (cf Isaiah 64:4-5). The last section continues to carry Isaiah’s intention forward: creating a righteous people ready for Christ’s return. One unique feature of Isaiah 65:1-16 is that it contains God’s answer to a very specific question (cf. the question in Isaiah 64:12 and God’s answer in Isaiah 65:6). A saved remnant is hinted at in Isaiah 65:8. The repetition in Isaiah 65:13-14 is a strong call for every congregant to be sure they can be accurately identified by God as his “servants.” Of course, the only way any of us can be identified as the servants of God is because God’s Servant, our Lord Jesus Christ, took all our uncleanness upon Himself (cf. Isaiah 64:5-7) when He died on the cross for us sinners, when He literally “spread out” His hands for a rebellious people (cf. Isaiah 65:2).
Tracing The Argument Of A Text
Isaiah 63:7-14 Theology In Isaiah’s Psalm
Isaiah 63:7-14 reads like a Psalm of David and it functions like one, too. Isaiah’s memories are designed to shape our own memories. We are to remember God’s “steadfast love” (Isaiah 63:7-9); we’re to remember our terrible tendency to spurn God’s steadfast love (Isaiah 63:10). Finally, thankfully, God Himself (according to the ESV and KJV reading) remembers the time when He rescued His people. All that remembering is designed to lead God’s people to put an end to their rebellion and their grieving “His Holy Spirit.” Or, to use the language of Isaiah 63:14, the Psalm of Isaiah is designed to make sure all of us are being led by God. According to Romans 8:14, being led by the Spirit of God confirms that we belong to God. Paul can instruct his readers in Ephesians 4:30 to stop grieving the Holy Spirit because faith in Christ gives the desire and capacity to do so. Isaiah 63:9 previews the Gospel. Christ truly “was afflicted” on the cross and those who receive Him respond to His love by yielding to His Spirit.
Isaiah 62:11–63:6 Responding to Prophecy
One of the ways in which Isaiah 62:11-12 and Isaiah 63:1-6 function for the Church is by urging us to evaluate whether the future name of God’s people (“The Holy People”) is appropriate for us in part now. All along the study of Isaiah, Christians have been challenged to make sure a profession of faith is matched with corresponding holiness and righteousness. In Isaiah 63:1-6 the scene shifts from total deliverance to total destruction. It’s a warning for any of us Christians. Despite our profession of faith, we do not want to be caught on “the day of vengeance” (cf. Isaiah 63:4) on God’s bad side. So, this section provides the best news ever (Isaiah 62:11-12), the worst news ever (Isaiah 63:1-6), and leaves us readers with the decision to embrace the best news and so avoid the worst news. This means embracing the Savior pictured in this section. In Isaiah 63:3 the prophetic vision of our Redeemer shows Him stained with the blood of God’s enemies, including those who were in church. There was a time in history, of course, where our Redeemer was stained with His own blood as He gave His life for us. Faith in Christ is the starting point for a holy life and assures us that on His Day we, too, can be called “The Holy People” (cf. also 2 Corinthians 7:1; Hebrews 12:14 to see the necessity of holiness-in-process).
Isaiah 61 The Spirit in Jesus and in Us
Once again, Isaiah teaches us through a prophetic description of what our Spirit-led Savior was sent to do and what His salvation does to us who believe. In Isaiah 61:1-3 we learn what the Holy Spirit in Jesus enabled Him to accomplish. Then, beginning in Isaiah 61:3-9 we learn what that same Spirit does in us. Isaiah 61:10-11 closes with a song that every, genuine Christian can sing. This chapter functions for the church by causing us to evaluate whether what is said about Jesus’ ministry has actually happened to us (or, better, is still happening to us who believe). Has Isaiah 61:1-3 happened to us? Is it still going on in some measure? Is it true that everyone of us who believes can truly “be called the priests of the Lord…the ministers of our God”? (cf. Isaiah 61:6) Can we say, “he has clothed me with the garments of salvation; he has covered me with the robe of righteousness…”? (cf. Isaiah 61:10). Isaiah’s prophecy functions by urging us to evaluate whether these things are somewhat true of us. If they are not, then our presence in worship or our profession of faith in Christ may be futile. Our Lord, of course, selects this section to read as recorded in Luke 4:16-22. Thankfully, Jesus stopped reading where He did! His sacrifice on the cross for our sins made it possible for us to experience His salvation. Certainly something to rejoice in!
Isaiah 59 Turning Rebels into Righteous Christians
The bulk of Isaiah 59 describes the terrible state of God’s people (cf. Isaiah 59:1-2). Then, in Isaiah 59:16 God steps in to do what human beings could not do. Theology is being conveyed through prophetic description (what God promises to do for His people). So we have to ask ourselves: “Is this description true to some extent now in our lives?” However, before we get to our response, we should note Isaiah 59:17. Long before Paul instructs Christians to put on the whole armor of God (cf. Ephesians 6:11, 13), Isaiah tells us that our God put on the armor. The clothing tells what God was going to do–bring righteousness and salvation to His people. While God is ready to do battle against his enemies (cf. Isaiah 59:17-18), He is also ready to deliver those who repent (cf. Isaiah 59:20). Isaiah 59:21 explains what is true of every repentant Christian. It’s time to ask ourselves in church whether we’ll be on the receiving end of “repayment to his enemies” or “a Redeemer…to those…who turn from transgression.” Isaiah continues his assault on all who profess faith in Christ, but do not show evidence of a living faith at work. We have the desire and capacity for righteous living because, on the cross, our Savior experienced God’s wrath aimed at his adversaries (cf. Isaiah 59:18).