Joshua 10-12 Our Lord Is Fighting For Us!

10:10-14 records what the Lord did to supernaturally defeat the enemy nations (cf. also 10:42 “…the Lord God of Israel fought for Israel”). The phrase, “do not fear,” is repeated in 10:8, 25; 11:6. Despite facing powerful foes, Christians can take courage in their fight to enjoy more of God’s life because He fights for them (and, along with them). The comprehensiveness of the victory is seen in the list of 31 kings which Joshua defeated (cf. 12:24). Fear should give way to faith in light of what God did through Joshua. The action of the “chiefs of the men of war” putting “their feet on their necks [of the defeated kings]” (cf. 10:24) foreshadows Jesus defeating our enemies through His death and resurrection. Cf. Psalm 110:1. Jesus’ death and burial mirrored the plight of the five defeated kings who were hung on trees and buried in caves closed by large stones (cf. Josh. 10:26-27). God’s victory through Christ guarantees our victory over the forces of darkness that threaten our spiritual lives.

Joshua 10:1–12:24 How Joshua’s Victories Become Our Victories

It’s one thing to read history that shows how Joshua won battles for God’s people. It’s another thing to discover the theology of these narratives–the ability to understand how Joshua’s victories become ours. Joshua chapters 10:1–12:24 record God’s victory over a long list of kings. Chapter 12 lists 31 kings. It might be helpful to preach this lengthy section with the following theological ideas: (1) God’s people were fighting against kings or rulers or authorities who had their own warriors (cf. Joshua 10:1-5; 11:1-5; 12:1-24 for a list of kings). This is important in light of Paul’s descriptions in Ephesians 6:12 and Colossians 2:15 (notice the “rulers…authorities…cosmic powers” and “rulers and authorities” respectively). (2) 10:8-14 records the miraculous way God fought for His people, including the way He answered Joshua’s prayer for extra daylight. (3) Because the Lord fights for His people they can go ahead and conquer temptation and sin and enjoy LifePlus (cf. 10:22-25; 11:6-12, 23; 12:1, 6, 7). 10:22-25 contain the scene where Joshua commands his chief warriors to come and put their feet on the necks of the defeated kings. (4) Finally, we must ask how God makes victory possible for those who believe. You might begin by noting that on the cross Christ suffered a fate similar to the defeated kings as recorded in 10:26-27 “…Joshua struck them and put them to death, and he hanged them on five trees….and they took them down from the trees and threw them into the cave…and they set large stones against the mouth of the cave…” Through His death and resurrection Christ completely conquered His enemies (cf. Ps. 110:1; 1 Cor. 15:25; Heb. 10:13 “waiting from that time until his enemies should be made a footstool for his feet.”). All who believe will one day experience a similar complete victory (cf. Rom. 16:20 “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet…”). This process shows how we can move from the victories in Joshua’s day to victories in our lives, allowing Joshua to function for the Church.

Joshua 9 Our Failures, God’s Successes

Joshua 9 records the story of Joshua being tricked by some Gibeonites. Verse 14 explains why this happened: “So the men…did not ask counsel from the Lord.” Obviously, this decision functions as a bad example, a “go and do otherwise” goal of the narrative. Thankfully, Joshua and the rest of “the leaders of the congregation” (v. 18) followed that blunder with obedience: they made an oath and stuck by it despite pressure from the Israelites. How do we follow their faith? How do we remain humble and in need of God’s guidance? It begins by seeing our Lord Jesus Christ in this story. Three times near the end of the chapter we read of the Gibeonites becoming “cutters of wood and drawers of water” (cf. vv. 21, 23, 27). In v. 27 we read that this service was performed “for the altar of the Lord.” This was said to be a curse (cf. v. 23 “you are cursed…”). Our Savior was the Servant who suffered the curse of God (cf. Gal. 3:13). All the wood cut and water drawn by the Gibeonites was used to sacrifice sacrifices which pointed to the ultimate Sacrifice of Jesus. Seeing and savoring our Savior will slowly but surely drive independence out of us.

Joshua 8:30-35 Renewing our Relationship with God and Enjoying Victorious Living

Joshua 8:30-35 records a covenant renewal service that Joshua initiated. One important theological issue is the connection between this renewal service and the preceding narratives. Through a victory (Jericho) and then a defeat (Ai), Joshua realizes that success in the Promised Land is the result of a healthy relationship with God. Notice the dual emphasis of worship (the altar) and the Word (“a copy of the law of Moses” in v. 32). The intent is to bless God’s people (v. 33), but “all the words of the law” are read, “the blessing and the curse” (v. 34). Joshua read it all. Of course, we know the rest of the Story: Israel didn’t believe it all. God’s people ended up receiving the curses because of their unbelief/disobedience. But our Savior would enter the scene to be sacrificed on a cross not far from that same location. As Galatians 3:13 says, He became a curse for us. As we look on Him each weekend we are able to renew the covenant practically speaking and worship through the Word.

Joshua 7:1–8:29 Sin’s Devastating Effect on our Ability to Fight Spiritual Battles

Joshua 7–8:29 could easily be broken into two or three messages united by the thought of what God does (or doesn’t do?) when His people sin against Him. After a spectacular victory comes a stunning defeat. What happened? Where was God?!? 7:12 presents a clear reason for spiritual weakness: “Therefore [due to Israel’s sin] the people…cannot stand before their enemies….I will be with you no more, unless…” Notice that one man is responsible for the defeat of the entire nation (cf. Romans 5:12-14; 1 Corinthians 5:6; 12:12-14). God is very gracious to His people to expose the sin and the sinner. This story, however, is not just about one man being responsible for spiritual defeat. It’s also about one Man being responsible for spiritual victory for all who believe. Our Savior is pictured in a couple of ways: (1) Achan was from the tribe of Judah, the tribe from whom our Lord would emerge; (2) Jesus’ crucifixion and becoming a curse for us is seen in the way in which the king of Ai was executed (cf. 8:29). By faith Christians confess their sin and receive forgiveness and cleansing (cf. 1 John 1:9).

Joshua 6 The Fall of Jericho and the Rise of our Faith

Joshua 6 records the victory that God’s people enjoyed over the inhabitants of Jericho.  It deserves status as the most famous of all the stories in Joshua, partly because this is the first recorded victory in the Land.  God would not always fight like this, but this first conquest in the Land becomes paradigmatic for our spiritual battles.  Verses 1-2 should not be overlooked since they describe the condition of God’s enemies, our enemies.  Despite the fact that Jericho had competent soldiers, they are already defeated by their fear of God.  Colossians 2:13-15 teaches us that God has “disarmed” the spiritual authorities.  Then, in verses 3-26 we learn how victories are won in the Christian life.  God’s bizarre instructions means Israel must be totally dependent on Him while they marched and made music.  Joshua obeys God and the people obey Joshua, everyone displaying a faith that conquers Jericho and saves Rahab (cf. Hebrews 11:30-31).  One key to this chapter is the repetition of the Ark, the presence of God in the middle of His people (cf. vv. 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13) and the blowing of trumpets (cf. vv. 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 13, 16, 20).  This is why God’s people can live victoriously.  Finally, in v. 26 we encounter a clue as to why Christians can expect to experience continual spiritual victories.  The clue is found in Joshua’s curse: “At the cost of his firstborn…”  Colossians 1:15, 18 describe our Lord Jesus Christ as God’s firstborn son.  It is through His death that we have victory over sin and Satan.  When Christ returns to complete His conquest it will not be seven priests blowing trumpets, but seven angels (cf. Revelation 8:2; 18:2, 8, 10, 20; 19:1-3)!  The fall of Jericho creates a significant rise in our faith!

Joshua 5:13-15 Encouragement from an Encounter with the Commander of the Lord’s Army

Joshua 5:13-15 records Joshua’s encounter with the Commander of the Lord’s Army. Some key’s to it’s theology are as follows: (1) timing: this encounter happens right before the Jericho campaign begins, right before Israel is going into battle; (2) the Commander does not say He was on Joshua’s side because it was important for Joshua to realize God’s people must be on His side. This Divine Warrior is ready to administer God’s judgment on Jericho. God’s people are in a spiritual battle in which God will fight for His own (cf. Ephesians 6:10-20); (3) this encounter makes us understand our need to respond to God’s holiness. Joshua has to take off his sandals. But in order for this encounter to do something to us, we must see our Lord in this story. In order for Jesus to be “for us”, He ends up being God’s adversary on the cross and is able to confer His righteousness on all who believe in Him. This puts us on the Lord’s side and assures He will fight for us so we can experience LifePlus. One day Jesus will arrive again with a sword to administer God’s final justice and secure for us complete salvation.

Joshua 5:1-12 Meeting the One Condition for Spiritual Success

Joshua 5:1-12 records a massive circumcision ceremony that Joshua conducted prior to beginning their military invasion into the Land.  This shows that our relationship with God is the basis for spiritual victories.  Only as everyone was in right relationship with God, evidenced by succumbing to circumcision, could God’s people begin to experience LifePlus in Canaan.  This circumcision ultimately points to the circumcision of the heart which God said was necessary for entrance into His kingdom.  Spiritual victories are guaranteed for those who by faith in Christ meet the conditions of God’s covenant.  On the cross, Jesus’ sacrifice “rolled away” our reproach (cf. v. 9).  Notice the emotional state or condition of God’s enemies in v. 1 (“…their hearts melted and there was no longer any spirit in them…”).  However, if God’s people had not obeyed the one condition of the covenant, the enemies would have got their spirit back!  Praise God that His grace forms an obedient people!

Joshua 4:1-24 Twelve Stones: Remembering what God has Done to Bring You this Far

Verses 5-7 present God’s instructions to build a memorial and the reason why. In order to make progress in the spiritual life we must remember God’s mighty, saving acts. Again, the plot drives the theology. Verse 14 repeats the concept of Joshua being exalted. There could be no victories in the Land, no settling in to enjoy LifePlus, unless Joshua is followed. It is important to note in v. 19 that God’s people come up out of the river on the same day the Exodus occurred. That day is also the time when the Passover lamb was chosen for sacrifice four days later. The great acts of deliverance at the Exodus and the Jordan River point to the ultimate act of deliverance at the cross. Remembering what God has done for us is the starting point for all righteous living. To forget is to fall into unbelief and disobedience. This makes our worship services so important.

Joshua 3:1-17 Crossing over into LifePlus: the Impossible Barrier of the Jordan River

Verses 3, 6, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17 contain references to “the ark of the covenant.” Verse 7 states that God would use this event to ‘begin to exalt” Joshua “in the sight of all Israel.” The presence of the Ark teaches us that God is present and at work in our lives and we can follow Him to enjoy more of the life He provides. This narrative isn’t so much about how to live the Christian life, but more about giving us confidence to live it in spite of fierce opposition. Our Great High Priest went through the waters of death ahead of us just as the priests who were carrying the ark. As Joshua was exalted in the Jordan, so also our Lord was exalted at His baptism (cf. Matt. 3:13-17). By faith we follow our Lord through every obstacle that poses a threat to our advances in holiness.